Friday, March 16, 2012

What to Look For in Choosing Your Jewelry on The Internet

14k gold omega chain necklace |14k gold pendant necklace | 14k gold necklace worth |By Katherine Jane on February 09, 2011

Another type of internet shop is the quality artisan jeweler - here the vendor makes the jewelry and often utilises their serious artistic direction for certain styles and types of jewelry. Low overheads and lack of big business capital means that their prices are extremely fair and reasonable as well as having a true passion for their work.

Invariably the artisan jewelry photographs show their jewellery on more interesting natural backgrounds and the pearls look more real, as if you are seeing them in the flesh so to speak. They may well concentrate more in presenting a different twist to the standard knotted pearl necklace, using more interesting and unusual designs, offering other colors and different sorts of clasps. And of course they are more likely to provide new and unusual designs and use different sorts of pearls which will be more limited editions and not churned out by a factory.

Many specialist internet pearl jewelry vendors are selling fairly classic pearl jewelry. Often these shops are backed by big business money and sell the same sort of standard pearl necklace which often, but not always, is knotted by some lady in China. Photographs show the jewelry often on a white background and whilst the photographs look good they can be a bit washed out and detailed views are not always very forthcoming. Sometimes it is hard to work out which is the better necklace from site to site as they all compete for your attention. Some sites talk about authentication certificates but these are only a subjective opinion.

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The artisan vendor will also take time to help you get what you want. They will invariably be able to do customizations i.e. changes to clasps and length as well as some bespoke work to your own design. Always ask them, they can be more flexible and provide a more personal service for the truly discerning lady.

There is an overwhelming choice of jewellery on the internet and sometimes it is hard to discriminate between the different types of internet shops. This guide shows two important differences, and uses pearl jewelry as an example.

The Sparkling History of The Jewelry Box

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* NB Rogers

Of course, today's jewelry boxes may be crafted from a wide range of artisans, and many popular companies offer their own brands of these boxes as well. Jewelry boxes can be purchased at department stores, through individual artisans or online. Individuals can select boxes based on their functionality, style or beauty.

During this era, stores also began displaying some of their jewelry boxes for sale, and the boxes themselves began to follow many of the trends of the time. People were looking for much more than a mere storage unit for their collections; they wanted jewelry boxes they could proudly display on their dressers for the world to see. Jewelry boxes offered a great deal of variety at this time, including the size of the boxes that ranged from tiny trinket boxes to hold rings to much larger boxes capable of holding an entire jewelry collection.

Jewelry boxes have enjoyed a long and colorful history, and today you can find these lovely boxes in a wide range of styles and designs. If you are looking for a trendy way to safely store your precious items at home or while traveling, you are sure to find a jewelry box that meets your specific needs and personal fashion flair.

For centuries, cultures have used jewelry to symbolize wealth, power and beauty. Today, people still enjoy collecting and wearing, but now, they have equally beautiful jewelry boxes to store their precious items.

* Jennings Brothers

The first jewelry boxes of the Industrial Revolution were primarily crafted of antimonial lead as their base metal, which could provide a durable, safe shelter for precious items. The boxes were then electroplated with copper and sported a gold or silver finish. The finishes themselves became quite ornate, and included French Bronze, Parisian Silver or Roman Gold. These lovely boxes are considered antique jewelry boxes today, and because copper-plated jewelry boxes are now relatively rare, they are a hot commodity for collectors.

The Egyptians in particular were known for their love of jewelry and other adornments, and they may have been some of the first to construct jewelry boxes to hold their collections.

silver jewelry handcrafted |silver jewelry set | silver jewelry |By Doug Rosenfeld on October 18, 2010

* The Art Metal Works

As jewelry boxes became more popular with the American public, more manufacturers came onto the scene to craft boxes people would like. Some of the most common manufacturers included:


The Industrial Revolution

* Brainard and Wilson

The First Jewelry Box

When mail-order catalogues like Sears and Marshall Fields were introduced at this same time, people could now order jewelry boxes and have them sent directly to their homes. Like online shopping of today, the catalogues opened up a whole new venue for individuals to shop from the comfort of home and enjoy a much broader selection of merchandise than ever before.

No archeologist definitively knows when the first jewelry box was created. In fact, early jewelry storage may not have been a box at all; instead, it might have been a jar that was commonly used in ancient times to store spices and a host of other goods. These jars were typically constructed of ceramic and used to transport items, as well as keep them safe and sound at home. However, when commerce began to boom, the construction of the jewelry box might have started then.

In the Middle East, the commerce boom commenced approximately 7,000 years ago, as people began to see the value in using rivers to transport goods. At this time, boxes were created to store and ship merchandise to buyers. During this era, boxes might have been constructed to house precious gemstones and jewelry as well.

* Kronheimer and Oldebusch

The Industrial Revolution paved the way for mass production of many different items, making goods like jewelry boxes much more available and affordable. While jewelry boxes of this time sacrificed the handcrafted beauty of previous jewelry boxes, the convenience of walking into a store and purchasing a jewelry box made these storage units more common throughout the world.

* Benedict

Before there was the jewelry box, there were the gems and trinkets to place into them. Some reports support the fact that people began wearing jewelry approximately 75,000 years ago. In Africa, perforated snail shells created beads that were undoubtedly worn as an adornment. Perforated ostrich egg shells have also been found in this country, although they appear to only date back about 40,000 years.

These metal materials eventually gave way to ceramic because ceramic jewelry boxes were stronger than previous materials used. When Art Nouveau became the rage in the early 1900s, the style trickled down to jewelry boxes as well. People could now find jewelry boxes sporting motifs from nature, such as roses that symbolized love and four-leaf clovers for good luck. The designs were lovely with flowing lines and asymmetrical designs, making the jewelry boxes as beautiful and precious as the jewels hidden away inside.

Easy Shopping

Saturday, December 31, 2011

The Newest Jewelry Market Trends of 2011

In styles, jewelry has mystery and unique charm will be still a great vogue, style of represented by Pandora Jewelry or Buddhist jewelry has had a great vogue in 2010, and is expected to be continuing in 2011. These kinds of jewelry are loved by people, because they can show the unique charm of wearers.In colors, most of the fashionable person predicted blue, pink and purple will be the fashion color of jewelry industry in 2011.

2010 is ending soon, to keep up with the newest fashions, many people start to search for the latest jewelry fashion trend of 2011.

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Only God knows what trend is coming to the jewelry market in 2011. Recently, many famous jewelry designers and fashionable person is attempting to forecast the types of jewelry that will soon be popular in 2011.Now, let us take sight on which jewelry design styles that will be popular in 2011.

In themes, among the many forecast about the jewelry trends of 2011, all consider to take plant and animal as the theme still will be a trend. These types of jewelry can make people feel close with nature, and since the jewelry takes animal and plant as the theme came into vogue, it has been a constant fashion. Predicted this hot trend will be continuing in 2011.In materials, although the price of gold and silver is soaring, gold and silver jewelry is still the first choice of many people. Looks like in many people, gold and silver or silver jewelry is not only beautiful but also has the function of value-added and hold value.

silver bracelets wholesale for women |By Vicky Chen on January 03, 2011

For many consumers who have not enough money, an alternative jewelry with low-cost but equally dazzling, such as titanium jewelry, stainless steel jewelry are better choice for them, especially the young consumers, they will be the main consumer groups of this kind jewelry. For this reason, this kind of cheap jewelry is expected to be more popular. Nowadays, cheap metals represented by titanium and Stainless Steel Jewelry have become the first choice of many jewelry designers.

Turquoise Jewelry

Most consider this bluish spidery gemstone to be a very distinctively American gemstone - and turquoise jewelry can definitely be found in desert towns, craft fairs and even in airport gift shops. But while it is mined in Arizona, New Mexico, Colorado and Nevada, and has a very long history in native American jewelry, turquoise jewelry actually can be found in cultures worldwide. In fact, turquoise is one of the oldest gemstone materials known to man. For thousands of years, turquois and turquois jewelry has been an important staple in many eastern cultures.

He type with veining is the style of turquoise jewelry created by the American Indians, and it's the type of turquoise jewelry that I find myself most drawn to.

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Like many precious gemstones, the demand for high quality turquoise exceeds the supply in almost all cases This has led to the development of treatment methods to improve the color and durability of lower cost material. Softer and more porous turquoise can be enhanced by impregnating the stone under pressure with hot acrylic resins. The resins improve the color, hardness, and durability of the material. As long as the materials are represented as treated, this is regarded as an acceptable practice in the gemstone industry.

Turquoise jewelry-not just from Native Americans

Turquoise was first brought to Europe by traders from Asia Minor, even though the turquoise probably came from famous turquoise mines in Iran or Egypt. The color of turquoise that is found on turquoise jewelry is so unique that this has become the standard word we use to describe the slightly greenish shade of cyan and similar colors.

Ever since my stay in New Mexico years ago, I have developed a love for turquoise jewelry. Turquoise is a hydrous phosphate of copper that is fairly soft, with the hardest specimens reaching only 6 on the Mohs scale. Despite its softness, turquoise takes a very good polish.

The world's finest turquoise can be found in the mines at Nishapur in Iran. This turquoise became a major trade and barter item for the early Persians. That how far back this gem goes. Turquoise jewelry was found in ancient graves in Turkistan and, in the 1st to 3rd century A.D., in graves throughout the Caucasus. The name "Persian Turquoise" is now generally used to refer to any turquoise stone that does not have the black or brown veining commonly found in turquoise mined in the United States.

If you are seeking quality turquoise jewelry, one of the best sources I've found online is Eagle National Mint. Start your shopping there.

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Saturday, December 17, 2011

Purchasing Beautiful Turkey Jewelry Online

In the past, if a person wanted great looking, authentic Turkey jewelry, they would have to either go to Turkey or know someone who lives there who would be willing to ship it over. Today, it is possible for an individual to purchase attractive-looking Turkey jewelry no matter where they live. Those looking to buy such jewelry can do so at the Jewelry Mall. In addition to Turkey jewelry a person also find feather jewelry at the website as well. Individuals will find that the items found there are not only beautiful but also affordable. It is possible to find jewelry that looks great, is of really good quality and that will not break the bank at the Jewelry Mall.

One of the best things bout Turkey jewelry is that wearing it allows people to infuse their own personal style into whatever they are wearing. Unless a person designs their own clothing, one of the only true ways that an individual can make an outfit unique, fresh and different, is jewelry. Turkey jewelry is one very good way for people to express their personal style.

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fashion jewelry online |By Shawn Lindsey on October 23, 2010

Turkey jewelry, or any great jewelry for that matter, can drastically improve the appearance of one's clothing. The right necklace, bracelet and/or earrings can help a look go from boring to exciting and extremely stylish. Individuals also have the opportunity to dress-up or dress-down an outfit. If a person wants to go casual, they can. They would simply need to go minimal on the jewelry. A cute, understated necklace or earrings would be perfect. On the other hand, if an individual wants to 'vamp' it up, that can easily be done with jewelry as well. Attractive, festive-looking earrings or a colorful, textured necklace would look great.

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Turkey jewelry is quite beautiful and unique. Anyone that desires gorgeous accessories that are sure to turn heads should consider Turkey jewelry or feather jewelry. Accessories can make or break an outfit. Having the right baubles can improve the look and style of the clothes a person is wearing. Jewelry, whether costume or authentic, also allows a person to express their personal style.

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Star Ruby Jewelry Some Essential Things to Know Be

What's so special about star ruby jewelry? First of all, these types of accessories are perfect for all women. Young, old, casual or formal, you must know that they love precious stones. Unlike expensive diamonds, rubies are more affordable. If you're a man and you want to make the ideal gift, don't choose a simple, boring stone and opt for star ruby jewelry. Thus, you'll demonstrate your girlfriend that you actually care for her.

Star ruby jewelry sets are usually made of a star necklace, earrings and a beautiful ring. You can choose the color but you must also keep in mind your sweetheart's tastes. She might like pink or red and she might hate traditional shades like blue or green for instance. With women you can never be too sure, especially when men don't get them. It's better to stay safe as well, if you're looking to make an impression and you have no idea what to purchase.

jewelry setting |jewelry settings | jewelry sets on sale |By Major Conley on September 02, 2011

Overall, the main purpose of a gift must come from the heart. However, if you want to make an impression and buy the best birthday present, than an amazing star ruby jewelry set will be a sensible alternative. Just imagine how happy your girl will be when she will realize the beautiful gift you bought for her.

Make your girlfriend happy with the most impressive star ruby jewelry set. Stars usually remind women of happiness but at the same time melancholy. You'll show her that you are sensitive and that you're feelings are genuine. Ask around if you don't know what to buy. Your sister, mother or other girls will really come up with the best advice when it comes to female gifts. Make sure you also seek for something unique. Women just hate to have similar accessories with others.

Begin a proper search and head over to your local stores. If you have the money you'll definitely find something on her taste; if you don't you can always start a shopping spree online where everything is cheaper, even star ruby jewelry sets. On the web the array is endless and the sites and numerous. Opt for a trusted place and stay away from surreal web pages. When you see that they're offering real rubies for nothing than you can immediately tell that they talk nonsense.

When it comes to accessories and fashion items, it's critical to opt for quality stuff. Every woman will know how much you paid for her gift and that's why you must learn how to trick her. On the web there are great sites that offer flawless star ruby jewelry at accessible costs. The perfect cut of a ruby and crystal clear look are really important. Thus, she might even love you more when she will think that you paid a fortune for her present. If you go to your local stores make sure to have a closer look at the set chosen. In addition, a trusted place will offer a return policy, as well as a, authenticity certificate.

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Jewelry - Always Feet in Any Outlook

The twilight necklace is symbol of love. It is available in different range and design. As shown in the novel it was symbol of feeling and emotion. Twilight jewelry is symbol of romance and fear. High quality of jewelry gives special look, from the fashion fake to tradition customer like jewelry. Jewelry is most precious gift for anyone.

beaded jewelry designs |By Org Waras on September 09, 2010

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The eternity rings is the special gift for special moment. It is also so cheep. It is affordable to every class. It is available in different look. Now designers are manufacturing different design of engagement sterling silver rings. It creates different attractive look for special moment.

Jewelry is not only gives attractive look but also it has many more features. It is the best gift for any age person. Jewelry will create unforgettable moment if anybody is planning to gift to anyone. It will create an impression direct in the heart of the people. It is the easiest way to create unique value in someone life. It is also available in different budget so any class of people can afford it. Jewelry of different metals is grate substitution of diamond. However nobody can compare diamond jewelry with any other metal of jewelry. But as compare to budget now customers are prefer jewelry that will give same look as diamond and cheep also. In our society people prefer jewelry according to their budget. In concern of that artificial jewelry is the great replacement of highly expensive jewelry. It is also available in lesser price. So it will not cerate heavy burden in customer pockets. It is also flawless. So customers need not to worry about the quality. It will create real holiday season.

The twilight jewelry has been origin form twilight book and movie. In market four series of twilight book is available. It is symbol of war. It indicates victory of light, it is symbol of honesty. Now current generation mostly prefer twilight jewelry the attractive look and success of movie has created a unique identity to the customer mind. Now customers are more attractive in these types of jewelries. Now designers also keeping in mind customer's choice, manufacturing different types of twilight jewelry.